
We try to make sure this resource section of our website is always up-to-date. All documents listed can be downloaded. If you find that anything is missing or any link is broken, please send us an e-mail at [email protected] and we will be more than happy to send the documents to you and/or (re-)upload them to this resource section.

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FWF 2018 Annual Narrative Report

2018 marked another year of growth for Fair Wear Foundation (FWF), w date: 27/06/2019Read more

Climbing the Ladder: Supervisory skill-building programme

In response to the pervasive discrimination and harassment against  date: 11/12/2018Read more

The Face of Child Labour

Change starts with transparency. This publication seeks to promote a date: 07/12/2018Read more

Who pays for a higher wage for garment workers?

“Who pays for a higher wage for garment workers?” ask FWF expert date: 07/12/2018Read more

Productivity: The Key to Funding Living Wages?

This discussion paper is designed to explore the relationships betwe date: 22/11/2018Read more

Using Due Diligence in Labour Costing to Meet Wage Compliance

This paper examines the application of human rights due diligence i date: 22/11/2018Read more

Now is the time for a strategy to employ Syrian refugees in Turkey

As we are in year seven of the Syrian refugee crisis in Turkey, it i date: 21/11/2018Read more

Gender Forum: One Year Later

  A publication exploring solutions for tackling gender-based date: 05/10/2018Read more

Myanmar Enhanced Monitoring Programme 2018

Read more about the Myanmar Enhanced Monitoring Programme, which see date: 17/08/2018Read more

FWF 2017 Financial Report

We are publishing our financial report separately from our annual re date: 13/06/2018Read more

FWF 2017 Annual Report

Several factors influenced Fair Wear Foundation (FWF)’s work in 20 date: 28/05/2018Read more

Breaking the Silence: The FWF Violence and Harassment Prevention Programme

Violence and harassment against women and men in the world of work i date: 17/04/2018Read more